Pryme Concrete Construction understands the importance of safety. Pryme developed their own safety program specifically to meet the needs of their Potash clients. Their program is constantly evolving and adapting to new site conditions and procedural changes.

If you are working with Pryme, you are working safe. They operate with pride and protection of one another and those around them. Their main train of thought on site is safety. Having a zero incident record is of extreme importance to Pryme. 

“Employees returning home safe is our priority.” 
                                                                               - Reg Field, Superintendent/Owner
  1. BulletCOR Certified

  2. BulletISNet Registered

  3. Bullet2 Full Time CSO’s on staff

  4. BulletLeadership for Safety Excellence

  5. BulletQuality Control Program

  6. BulletAdequate Insurance

  7. BulletBondable Employees

  8. BulletConstruction Safety Training

  9. BulletWHMIS

  10. BulletConfined Space Entry Training

  11. BulletGround Disturbance Course

  12. BulletTDG Training

  13. BulletBasic Rigging

  14. BulletUnderground Certified Direct Supervisors

Pryme Concrete Employees receiving a weekly safety draw from PCS.

A Company Built on Integrity, Safety & Quality

Langenburg, SK

Copyright Pryme Concrete Construction Inc. 2015-2016. All rights reserved.